Sorgt für eine Ent­gif­tung des Kör­pers und einem opti­ma­len Säu­re Basen Haus­halt


Acti­ve Water ist frei von Chlor und Schwer­me­tal­len aber vol­ler Mine­ra­li­en


Ver­sorgt mit Kal­zi­um, Magne­si­um und einem anti­oxi­da­tiv­en Hydro­xy­lion

acti­ve water

Herzlich Willkommen

I am Mar­kus Gaal, a pas­sio­na­te phy­sio­the­ra­pist and health enthu­si­ast. I have been hel­ping peo­p­le on their way to grea­ter well-being and fit­ness for many years. In my prac­ti­ce, I have gai­ned a lot of expe­ri­ence and lear­ned how important pro­per hydra­ti­on is for our health. And this is whe­re Acti­ve Water, also known as Kan­gen­was­ser, comes into play.
Kan­gen­was­ser has fasci­na­ted me from the very begin­ning. Why? Becau­se I have seen how it has chan­ged the lives of my pati­ents. Every day in my prac­ti­ce we see ama­zing pro­gress and I am con­vin­ced that the qua­li­ty of the water we drink has a huge impact on our well­be­ing.
Kan­gen water has now beco­me an inte­gral part of our the­ra­py pro­gram. Our pati­ents drink this won­derful water every day and are deligh­ted with the results. They report more ener­gy, bet­ter hydra­ti­on and a gene­ral fee­ling of well-being.
I warm­ly invi­te you to join us on this jour­ney. Dis­co­ver the world of Kan­gen water and expe­ri­ence how it can chan­ge your life for the bet­ter.

With healt­hy gree­tings,

Your Mar­kus Gaal

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Ob Nach­barn oder Pro­mis — es ist in aller Mun­de. Wor­um geht es?
Hel­fer gegen freie Radi­ka­le und täg­li­chem oxi­da­tiv­em Stress
Es ist ein Meis­ter­werk der moder­nen Tech­nik. Wir erklä­ren war­um

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